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The Danish case / Newsletter #2
Since the training in October 2020, the change agents in the Vejle case have been busy. They have developed a project plan with a focus...
The Italian case / Newsletter #2
With the aim of promoting an innovative model of shared, collaborative and polycentric territorial governance, CESIE is involving the...
The Icelandic case / Newsletter #2
As the local project evolves around getting people living in the town of Hveragerði, in the southern part of Iceland, to reduce their...
The Slovenian case / Newsletter #2
The winning tree will be announced on April the 27th 2021 which is also a national Tree Day. You can visit their Facebook page V senci...
Fréttabréf #1
Verkefnið „Co-creative RETHINKing for sustainable cities“ - CRETHINK - fjallar um þörfina fyrir að byggja upp getu fullorðinna í opinberu...
Notiziario #1
CRETHINK è un progetto europeo di durata biennale finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ che mira a promuovere pratiche sostenibili in...
Nyhedsbrev #1
Projektet “Co-creative RETHINKing for sustainable cities”- CRETHINK - addresserer et behov for kapacitetsopbygning af voksne i den...
Novičnik #1
Projekt Crethink je že v polnem razmahu, vsi agenti sprememb (imenovani »change agents« v projektu) pa se pripravljajo na to, da bodo...
Newsletter #1
The project is now in full swing with all the change agents getting ready to promote each case locally and conduct their own living labs....
More on the Icelandic case
How to get a town of 2700 residents to think and act “zero waste”, was the question the Icelandic change agents asked themselves during...
More on the Italic case
The emergency caused by COVID-19 has drastically changed the way students move around their cities, preventing most urban activities,...
More on the Slovenian case
During the international training combined with local online sessions the change agents from Slovenia identified the challenges in their...
More on the Danish case
What are the local needs and relevant approaches to create a more sustainable society? How can small local businesses help support this...
Recruiting the Change Agents
Project partners are currently in the phase of recruiting the local change agents/core group who will lead the local living labs in each...
The projects website launched
The projects website has now been published and will continue to grow through out the projects lifetime. If you have any comments and/or...
Online kick-off meeting
Due to COVID-19 some changes had to be made to the original plan on having the kick-off meeting in Vejle. Although unfortunate...
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